Construction of a Temple, for the growth of the Lord’s Church, including the purchase of land, preparation of technical projects, purchase of materials and payment of specialized labor, as per the description of the services below.
Donate voluntarily to the Lord, according to the disposition of your heart and to the extent of your faith, through the gift you received from Jesus Christ.
May your barns overflow and your presses be filled, may the LORD GOD keep you in all your ways and deliver you from evil, in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. May your children and your seed bear fruit and may they be a blessing. May you be successful in everything and may the mercy of the LORD be with you in all your work. May the Lord God enlighten you to have a long and prosperous life. May the love of GOD, the grace of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and the sweet consolations of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD be upon your life.
Jailson, apostle and servant of Jesus Christ
Key way: PIX CPF 670.430.032-53
CC: 5812215-0, AG: 0001, Bank: 077 – Inter